"The companies' agenda has changed a lot when it comes to identifying an office"
Ziarul Financiar launched the special edition dedicated to the office real estate market and invited some of the main players in this segment to discuss the general situation of office projects. Mihai Păduroiu, CEO Office Division One United Properties, highlighted the fundamental changes that have taken place when companies are looking for a new office space.
"The companies' agenda has changed a lot, I would say fundamentally, when it comes to identifying an office space. In the long run, these changes in the companies' criteria are positive. And I would mention first the certification part because we are faced with a health crisis and companies understand how important it is for their office to have an international certification regarding the health standards. Energy certification is a standard today from our point of view and any company should commit to a sustainability policy and have a green-certified office. In addition, companies understood how important it is to have a new, high-quality, and health-certified office. The moment you call people back to the office, you can't offer them a building from the '90s or an arrangement that hasn't been rebuilt, sanitized for years. Today, companies prioritize these health criteria over other business criteria.”
Regarding the office projects developed by One United Properties, Mihai Păduroiu underlined that they all had a good evolution, addressing different client profiles. Thus, One Tower building within One Floreasca City is addressed to medium-sized companies looking for an integrated project with all facilities, located in the northern area of the city, with direct access to the park, LEED Platinum, WELL certification, while One Cotroceni Park is addressed to companies with a large footprint and average areas of 3,000 square meters.
Facilities and services that complement the basic function of office and residential projects are very important for One United Properties.
"The concept of Office Hospitality is an example, it includes individual offices, meeting rooms, a business lounge, offices for 15-20 people that can be rented for a day, a month or a year. This feature has been very important in attracting companies, some of them reducing their footprint due to the hybrid working system. This concept gives them the flexibility they need in the future, and I think we will implement this facility in all the office buildings we will develop.”
The complete interview here.