One Sustainable Future

One Sustainable Future

A responsible business is one that embraces responsible consumption and production, a business that doesn’t put itself in the center but rather strives to fit in the already existing context – with all its opportunities, but also challenges.

At One United Properties, we see that sustainability connects very well with the idea of doing business responsibly while generating long-term value for the shareholders. Only by building our business around the principle of sustainability, we can be confident that we will meet the present needs and expectations of all our stakeholders without compromising our future.

Our sustainability strategy is anchored to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the collection of 17 interlinked global goals designed to be a blueprint to achieve a better and more sustainable future for all.

Our purpose is to create thriving, sustainable communities by developing state-of-the-art, energy-efficient buildings. By serving this mission, we will generate long-term value growth for all our stakeholders.

One United Properties’ Purpose Statement
2022 Sustainability Report

Environmental Strategy

One United Properties has always strived to ensure the sustainability of its developments throughout their lifetime. Considering the global impact that the real estate industry has on the environment, there was always a particular attention paid to reducing carbon emissions to minimize climate change, as well as streamlining the operational activities to ensure that the developed constructions will maintain their qualities years after their completion. In this context, since its early beginnings, One United Properties has delivered projects developed in line with the best environmental and sustainability practices, enjoying vast market recognition. As the sustainability aspects grow in importance, we maintain our dedication to developing projects that obtain prestigious certifications in the field of environmental protection.

Our E-targets

  • Build 100% Green Homes-certified residential developments;
  • Develop fully CO2 neutral office developments, certified LEED ZERO Carbon;
  • Reduce CO2 emissions at the development stage, and after delivery;
  • Use the best materials for the environment;
  • Lower the waste production at the construction level;
  • 0% of business operations in protected areas;
  • Protect trees and green spaces;
  • Optimize water and energy usage;
  • Prevent uncontrolled urban sprawl;
  • Develop according to the “15-minute city concept”, lowering traffic congestion.

Our Environmental strategy is based on:

Affordable and Clean Energy
Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
Responsible Consumption and Production
Climate Action
Life on Land

Social Strategy

The ONE community is what distinguishes One United Properties from other developers. One United Properties has pioneered the mixed-use development concept in Romania, being the most important player in this segment in Romania. Mixed-use developments work against the trends of building sprawling cities and instead, they help create inclusive, connected communities. In mixed-use areas, inhabitants can find housing, restaurants, services, schools, green spaces, cultural and entertainment facilities, and more.

The main vision for One United Properties developments has always been the focus on customer proximity, community building, urban regeneration, sustainability, and environmental protection. In the plot-purchasing strategy, One United Properties always focuses on identifying the large plots of land where urban-scale, multi-functional projects can be designed. We always aim to deliver developments with complete social infrastructure, that includes green areas, shops, and restaurants, roads, sidewalks, city furniture.

Our efforts as an employer, business partner, and a public company have always centered on ensuring a safe environment for all our employees and collaborators, as well as championing equality. Principles shall never be compromised. Therefore, as part of our sustainability strategy, we pledge that not only us, but also all our suppliers, adhere to respecting human rights, the highest occupational health, and safety norms, as well as ethical standards.

Our S-targets:

  • 100% commitment to respect the Code of Conduct for Suppliers as of 2022;
  • Ensure employee health and safety;
  • Promote equality and diversity;
  • Ensure tenants’ and clients’ health and safety by proving the best indoor & outdoor environment;
  • Deliver good community relations for our clients, tenants, and local communities, offering safe and healthy surroundings;
  • Regenerate and revitalize urban areas, delivering landmark developments that are incorporated into the cityscape;
  • Invest 70 million euros between 2023-2025 in restoring historical landmarks;
  • Engage environmentally responsible behaviors within the communities;
  • Provide charitable support to those in need.

Our Social strategy is based on:

Good Health and Well-Being
Gender Equality
Reduced Inequalities
Sustainable Cities and Communities

Governance Strategy

As a public company, we must meet the needs of all our shareholders who strive for governance, accountability, and integrity. We are strongly preoccupied with managing risks related to the ESG aspects to ensure the resilience of our business.

Our G-targets

  • Ensuring ethical business conduct;
  • Setting high standards in business for subcontractors;
  • Implementing strong anti-corruption rules;
  • Educating and enabling our stakeholders to achieve our sustainability goals;
  • Allowing all shareholders to participate remotely in GSMs;
  • Low-risk assessment to be provided by the ESG-rating agency;
  • Measuring and transparently disclosing our sustainability performance.

Our Governance strategy is based on:

Decent Work and Economic Growth
Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions
Partnerships for the Goals

2023 Sustainability Highlights

115 employees
1300 suppliers
21,413 persons employed on construction sites
10,000 persons working in offices owned by ONE
3,500 people living in ONE developments
EUR 250 mn GDV finalised
EUR 1.5 bn GDV under development
EUR 2 bn GDV of residential units in planning
887K GBA under development
EUR 260 mn GDV of restoration portfolio
953 apartments sold and pre-sold
1,549 units delivered
4,289 residential units under development
6,000 residential units in planning
142K sqm of commercial spaces operated
14.3K sqm of commercial spaces under development
117K GLA of office spaces
34.2K GLA office leased and pre-leased
90% of green-certified office portfolio by GLA
16.1K sqm of non-core commercial assets sold
57% of employees are women
1,000 euros minimum salary for university graduates holding full-time positions
0.87 ratio of basic salary of women to men
0 occupational accidents by employees or contractors working on construction sites
12% employee turnover
544 hours of training for employees
100% of suppliers obey the Code of Conduct for Suppliers, adhering to the anti-corruption and human rights principles

Selected Initiatives We Support

At One United Properties, we support local communities as responsibly as possible, having a particular focus on three areas: education & sports, research & health, and urban regeneration and environmental protection. Between 2018 and 2023, One United Properties made donations amounting to a total of 10.475.111 euros.

Urban regeneration & environment
Urban regeneration & environment
EUR 7,230,846
Education, sports & entrepreneurship
Education, sports & entrepreneurship
EUR 2,469,724
Healthcare & research
Healthcare & research
EUR 771,597

More on our blog


For any questions related to sustainability, please contact:
Zuzanna Kurek
IR & Sustainability Manager
One United Properties S.A.

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