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In this section, investors can find all the information related to the 2024 capital increase operation of One United Properties S.A., approved by the resolution of the Company’s Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders, no. 72 dated 28.05.2024.
According to the decision of the EGSM, the Company will issue in the capital increase operation 1,750,000,000 new shares with a nominal value of RON 0.2/share.
The capital increase operation will be organized in two stages. First stage is subscription based on preference rights, second is the private placement. The detailed timeline of the operation is presented below:
Event | Date |
Trading of the preference rights | 09.08.2024 – 13.08.2024 |
Stage 1: subscription based on preference rights ONER03 | 19.08.2024 – 19.09.2024 |
Publishing of the report regarding closing of Stage 1 | 20.09.2024 |
Stage 2: Private Placement | 20.09.2024 – 26.09.2024 |
In the first stage, the investors will be able to purchase newly issued shares based on the number of preference rights. To subscribe a new share, 2.1879186 preference rights are required (if the case, with any rounding applicable under the regulations in force, including those drawn up by the Central Depository).
Apart from holding the rights, investors will also need to pay the price approved by the Board of Directors and set up in the Prospectus:
during the first phase, the value of the subscription price for a new share shall be the nominal value of RON 0.2; and
during the second phase, the subscription price shall be determined by the resolution of the Board of Directors, considering the subscription price formed during the Private Placement bookbuilding.
The pre-emption rights, symbol ONER03, were loaded in the shareholders’ accounts on 07.08.2024. The rights will be traded, according to the calendar presented above.
Capital increase documents
Subscription and revocation forms
Support documents
Q&A Regarding the share capital increase operation
One United Properties is carrying out the share capital increase operation in order to raise capital to finance the current activity of the Group.
The offer will allow One United Properties to obtain funds to finance the current activity of the Group, respectively to finance ongoing projects and/or new real estate development projects, as well as to finance the expansion of the Group's activity, through participations or direct development. The Issuer has not made a breakdown of the use of the funds (the funds obtained will used in the normal course of activities).
4.Is this share capital increase going to be carried out with the exercise of the preference rights?
The intermediary assisting One United Properties in the share capital increase will be responsible for identifying the investors to participate in the private placement. If you or your fund are interested to participate in the private placement, you can send us an e-mail to
Preference rights are offered to shareholders in the event of a capital increase, to give priority to existing shareholders to participate in the new round of financing, to maintain the same participation in the company as before the increase, reflected as % of shares held.
By means of EGMS decision dated May 28, 2024, the shareholders of the Company approved the capital increase of One United Properties with a maximum number of 1,750,000,000 new shares, representing ordinary, registered, and dematerialized shares with a nominal value of 0.2 lei / share.
For subscription of one new share, during the period of exercise of preference rights, a person must hold 2.1879186 preference rights (if the case, with any rounding applicable under the regulations in force, including those drawn up by the Central Depository).
ONER03 are the preference rights for the upcoming share capital increase operation, that were loaded on August 7, 2024, in the accounts of shareholders who held ONE shares on the registration date of August 6, 2024.
After the closing of each stage of the share capital increase, the accounts of the investors who subscribed the shares will be loaded with rights ONER04. After registration of the share capital increase operation with the relevant institutions – Trade Registry, Financial Supervisory Authority, and Central Depository, the ONER04 rights will automatically turn into ONE shares. There is no need for investors to carry out any actions in this regard. Please note that ONER04 rights will not be tradable.
Yes, ONER03 preference rights will be traded.
For holders of ONER03 rights, you can either use them to subscribe the newly issued shares, or you can decide to trade them during the period between August 09-13, 2024. Please note that in case you decide to sell all of your ONER03 preference rights in the period when they can be traded, you will not be able to subscribe in the Share Capital Increase operation.
For holders of ONER04 rights, these will automatically transform into ONE shares, after the finalization of all the share capital increase procedures. ONER04 rights will not be tradeable.
If you received preference rights you have three options:
If you want to participate in the capital increase where you can buy ONE shares, you may use the rights in order to buy new shares (for the subscription of one new share, a person must hold 2.1879186 preference rights);
If you do not want to participate in the Share Capital Increase operation or you do not want to subscribe all the new shares to which you would be entitled to, based on your preference rights, you can sell a part or all of your preference rights, between August 9-13, 2024;
If you do not want to participate in the capital increase, you may decide not to use your rights. If you choose not to subscribe the newly issued shares, the ONER03 rights will be removed from your trading account after the 32 calendar days subscription period for Stage 1 is over. Unsubscribed rights will be cancelled and no compensations will be offered.
Yes, you can sell your preference rights between August 9-13, 2024. The preference rights are tradeable.
The private placement will be carried out after Stage 1, between September 20-26, 2024. The Board of Directors of the Company may decide to close the Private Placement early or, as the case may be, may extend the period related to the Private Placement, under the applicable legal conditions.
Therefore, there exists a possibility that the share capital increase will extend over a longer period and investors who participated in Stage 1 of the share capital increase could be unable to sell their stake due to these shares not being registered within the relevant institutions. Please note that the newly issued shares can only be registered with relevant institutions – Trade Registry, FSA, Central Depository – after the full capital increase operation (meaning Stage 1 and Stage 2) are ended.
You can find on our website in the Capital Increase section all the information and documents related to the capital increase operation.
For more information about ONE’s activity on BVB and IR materials, please visit the IR section of the website.
If you have other questions about the capital increase, please email our Investor Relations team at
Disclaimer: This information was provided by One United Properties IR team. This information is not legally-binding and it solely serves to provide quick, go-to answers in respect to the share capital increase operation, without offering any advice on how one should place their investments or based on what should oneself decide if they should make an investment or not. This Q&A section is not part of the legal documents based on which the share capital increase will be carried out. For further information regarding the terms and conditions of the share capital increase, please refer to the General Meeting of Shareholders and Board of Directors’ decisions, concerning the share capital increase, as well as the Prospectus and subsequent documents drafted in such respect.