ESG Reporting Transparency
In the just-released Transparency Ranking of the Global ESG Monitor (GEM), the world leader in ESG reporting transparency analysis, One United Properties was ranked in the high transparency category, registering a GEM ASSAY score of 57/100. Only six companies out of 20 issuers included in the BET index were considered to have very high or high transparency in ESG reporting, one of them being One United Properties. The Global ESG Monitor measures the transparency in reporting ESG information, not the actual ESG performance of the companies evaluated. The detailed report that includes the Transparency Ranking for BET can be found HERE.
The annual report on the sustainability progress is part of a strategy that One United Properties began rolling out at the end of 2021, following the decision to join the UN Global Compact, the world's largest sustainability initiative. To date, ONE has published two Sustainability Reports for the financial years 2020 (available HERE) and 2021 (available HERE). In addition, in September 2022, One United Properties received the ESG rating from Sustainalytics (available HERE). More details about One United Properties' sustainability strategy and achievements can be found on the dedicated page:
In the second quarter of 2023, One United Properties will publish the 2022 Sustainability Report. In this context, ONE is inviting all its stakeholders, including but not limited to shareholders, potential investors, analysts, clients, employees, contractors, collaborators, regulator, NGO, and media representatives, to participate in the ESG materiality survey. Material issues are economic, environmental, social and governance issues that could influence the Company's ability to create value in the short, medium, and long term and its impact on the community. The responses are anonymous, and the consolidated results will be used to develop the content of the 2022 Sustainability Report of the Company. The survey is available HERE.