One United Properties shares (ONE) will enter the structure of the FTSE Global All Cap index of the American-British financial evaluation agency FTSE Russell starting with December 20.

The global funds will automatically invest, through a "passive tracker" scheme, through a strict copy, about 10 million dollars after the ONE shares will actually enter into the composition of the FTSE index. According to an analysis made by, ONE's entry in the index increases Romania's market share and contributes to the possibility of including it in the MSCI index (Morgan Stanley Composite Index), a perspective that creates the expectation of new money on the market.

"Our decision to list on the Bucharest Stock Exchange is part of One United Properties' long-term development strategy. We see the capital market as a way to develop One in the coming years, and raising the share capital through IPO was the first step in this direction. Inclusion in the FTSE Russell Index has been our goal since its inception on BVB and, in this regard, we have focused heavily on meeting the liquidity criteria on a monthly basis. We want to be on the radar of global institutional investors. That is why we are delighted, but not surprised by the inclusion of ONE shares in FTSE Russell, which is just the beginning of our journey to increase the visibility of the Romanian capital market on the international stage",

Victor Căpitanu, co-founder of One United Properties, said for

Complete article here.
