In a recent interview for Business Magazin, Victor Căpitanu, One United Properties co-founder agreed that the crisis caused by COVID-19 pandemic has brought the smaller developers out of the game and consequently the pressure on the builders is decreasing, which is why those who continue the projects can better negotiate the cost.

Challenging times for all business developers require special measurements, especially for providing safety to all the company`s employees:

“On the site workers are organized to interact as little as possible, to eliminate any risk. For example, we measure their temperature four times a day, we practice social distancing at the workplace, and on the site, teams do not meet.”

As for commercial trends, Mr. Căpitanu argues that

“for the first time in the last six years we can negotiate with the manufacturers to obtain a lower price. We used to negotiate only how much the cost will increase, but now we can negotiate a cost reduction. This year and the next one, the ones that own money will have greater negotiation power. For the first time, we now manage to keep costs under control.”

More details here.
